Preparation of statutory accounts is one of our core services. We provide a range of accounting services to a variety of entities including limited companies, partnerships & sole-traders.
As a director or a business owner you are responsible to prepare and submit accounts to Companies House, H M Revenue & Customs and other regulatory bodies within strict time limits. At N. K. Ting & Co. we aim to prepare your annual accounts to comply with all the relevant statutory requirements and submit to the relevant authorities well within the time limit.
Maintaining proper accounting records give you affective control and good understanding of your business and help you understand the financial position at any given time. You can identify problems before they arise and can take corrective measures to address these issues. Our trained staffs are able to use analytical procedures to identify trends which can assist in improving your business. Despite the introduction of comprehensive accountancy software packages to provide accurate & useful information; the assistance and professional advice of an accountant is often required.
We work with you to ensure that your accounting records are kept up to date in order to comply with the statutory requirements. Where your accounts are used in support of credit facility; the suppliers, banks and other financial institutions may all require the statutory accounts to be prepared by an independent firm of accountants.
We help you by: